GLOW PLAN WELLNESS - Day 5 Body Brushing
Body Brush
Body Tapper (if you have one)
Time for body to stimulate the circulation and drain the lymphatic system.
Being indoors in central heating, not moving as much as we would like and being at the end of winter our skin is dry, blood circulation and our lymphatic system is a little sluggish. Katie suggests body brushing before your shower or bath to increase blood flow and flush the toxins to the lymph nodes. When body brushing, always do your strokes towards the heart. If you don't have a body brush, use a loofer in the shower using the same technique. If you are feeling brave you could take a cold shower (if you can manage that) even if its for a minute at the end of your warm shower.
When body brushing this is the direction to follow. You need to do this in a quick, flowing movement towards the heart and it only takes a few minutes to do the whole body.
Ankle to groin.
Back of ankle to gluts
Stomach - stroke up 3 times from right hip to under rib, across from right rib to left rib in a horizontal line and down from left rib to left hip. You are working in a clockwise direction following the colon. Right up, top across, left down.
Chest - sternum to armpit, each side.
Arms - wrists up to armpits.