How on-demand online Pilates classes can be in the interests of both employers and their staff

It might seem at times as if there are constantly new ‘must do’ trends being put forward that will apparently magically bolster workplace wellbeing and productivity. So, you might understandably be sceptical if I was to suggest to you that online Pilates classes could make a real difference to how happy and productive your workers are in the office, in this new ‘hybrid office’ era. 

But there are also genuine reasons to believe that your team members taking on the challenge of Pilates over the Internet could be a major positive for your organisation, and not just for their own individual health and fulfilment. 

Here are a few of those reasons. 

It can help combat poor posture and back pain 

The various COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions may now feel as if they are long in the past, but you probably won’t have ceased to be concerned about health risks to your team members. 

If you worry every time you walk past an employee of yours hunched over a computer, or about how their day-to-day stresses might cause some of your workers to live less-than-healthy lifestyles, you could have good reason to consider the merits of online Pilates classes for your workers. 

It is well-established that being forced to sit at a desk in the same position right through the day can heighten the risk of incorrect posture and potentially debilitating back pain. 

Even if these aren’t risks that your staff members have spent a great amount of time talking to you about, the practice of Pilates could be an excellent source of support to your team’s all-round wellbeing and productivity. 

It could help strengthen your employees’ back and abdominal muscles, at the same time as helping them better understand their entire bodies. In this sense, taking on Pilates can be useful for your employees well beyond relieving or avoiding back pain, as it can empower them to be proactive in looking after their broader health. 

It can mean fewer hours lost to ill health

For office workers, back and muscle issues can be a major cause of being forced to take time off work. Pilates classes can combat this by helping to improve posture, flexibility, and strength of the spine. This can lower the chances of the lower back pain that can be a frequent complaint among office workers who don’t get enough exercise. 

But as many of us have experienced directly in our lives in recent years, there is a close link between mental health and physical health. This is again a respect in which Pilates can be highly relevant, as it supports the mind, body, and soul. 

And as any boss knows, an emotionally healthy and happy employee is an employee who will likely be motivated to produce their very best office performances, day in, day out. 

It can help bring together your employees and boost morale 

There might be a temptation to think that in a ‘hybrid office’ world in which a significant proportion of a given company’s staff members are based permanently or semi-permanently away from their employer’s offices, it would much more difficult to achieve cohesion in the team. 

However, this is not automatically the case. Indeed, online Pilates sessions could be instrumental in making your team members ‘feel’ together, even if they do not share the same physical space, as almost all employees with a genuine interest in participating in such classes would be able to participate. 

You might even choose to advertise your company’s involvement in online Pilates classes and similar initiatives as a selling point when you are attempting to attract and retain the best talent. Remember, too, that happier employees are also likely to be more effective ambassadors for your company. 

These are just a few of the reasons why you might be interested in committing your organisation to online Pilates classes through a service like Brighton Pilates On-Demand, in support of your workers’ happiness and wellbeing. We offer highly competitive corporate pricing for this service, so please do not hesitate to enquire to us now for further information


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What is the relevance of Pilates for office workers?