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Home HIT Pilates Workout

Enjoy this home HIT Pilates workout. You really can do it anywhere and fit it into the busiest of days and the tightest of spaces. No equipment necessary. 

Please include a good warm up that includes: mobility and stretching to increase the range of motion in your joints first. Specific exercises to activate the muscles we will be using, for example: squats, press ups, lunges, using bands for this section is good if you have them. Also, include something to increase your heart rate such as: light jogging, high knees and heel kicks. 

How the HIT bit works:
30 seconds exercise 1
30 seconds exercise 2
30 seconds exercise 1
30 seconds exercise 2
30 seconds exercise 1
Rest 30 seconds
(3 minutes total including the rest) 
Then go onto the next round. 
(15 minutes total).


Round 1
Exercise 1: Lunge Walks
Exercise 2: Single leg stretch

Round 2
Exercise 1: Burpees with 2x single leg squat thrusts
Exercise 2:  Threading the needle in side plank (do one side, then the other side in the next 30 seconds)

Round 3
Exercise 1: Alternate lunge jump, squat jump (repeat)
Exercise 2: Hip lifts

Round 4
Exercise 1: Crab toe touch  
Exercise 2: Side plank hold (do one side, then the other side in the next 30 seconds)

Round 5
Exercise 1: Cross body mountain climbers
Exercise 2:  Criss cross

After this, take time to cool down. Include mobility such as: roll downs, side bends, gentle sun salutations and hip twists. Please please stretch! I have included tracks for cooling down.

Catch our HIT Class every Wednesday 6pm at Yellowave Club House, Brighton. Book here.


Warm up tracks: 
It's okay - Ceelo Green
Treasure - Bruno Mars
Blinding Lights - The Weekend
Never Let You Go - Georgia

HIT tracks: 
Galvanise - The Chemical Brothers
Turn Me On - Riton and Oliver Heldens
God Is A Dancer - Tiesto and Mabel
This Is Real - Jax Jones and Ella Henderson
Can We Dance - The Vamps

Cool Down Tracks:
Adore You - Harry Styles
Take My Hand - Picture This
Something For Nothing - Rationale